What You Should Replace After Buying a Used Car

Buying a used car is a practical investment, but purchasing an inferior vehicle is always risky. Consider replacing these components after buying a used car to get the most out of your investment.
Brake Pads
The brake pads are crucial to a car’s braking ability and safety. This is especially true for drivers in metro areas. Brake pads can wear out quickly with the constant braking that occurs when driving in urban areas with many traffic lights and congestion on the road.
Change your vehicle’s brake pads every 10,000 miles or so. When buying a used car, odds are it hasn’t gotten new brake pads in a while. Visit an auto shop to get the brakes and pads checked immediately after purchase, and replace the pads if needed to ensure your used car is safe to drive.
One of the first things you should consider replacing after buying a used car is the tires. Auto experts generally recommend replacing tires every six to ten years. If your new vehicle is old, it will probably need new tires.
Most used car sellers won’t replace tires before selling because it’s an added expense, and most drivers won’t notice worn-out tires until they start driving the vehicle regularly. Used cars often have mismatched tires, with new ones on the front axle and old ones on the rear axle, but you should always replace car tires at the same time. Check the tread depth of the used car’s tires, and consider swapping them for newer, better tires.
Spark Plugs
A vehicle’s spark plugs ignite the engine’s fuel, so they’re crucial to the vehicle. If your used vehicle is slow to turn over the engine, it’s likely due to dirty or worn-out spark plugs.
Replace spark plugs every 20,000 miles. Consult the owner’s manual for a clearer replacement schedule for your model. New spark plugs will also improve fuel efficiency and acceleration.
Air Filter
Air filters keep the car clean by trapping and preventing dirt from entering. As we all know, clean cars run better for longer. A clean air filter helps you get the most out of your car, improving performance and gas mileage and reducing emissions from your vehicle. Replace air filters every 12,000 miles. Unless the filter was recently updated, it’s wise to get a new one to start on the right foot with your used vehicle.
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