Promoting Road Safety: Why We Need It Now More Than Ever
Road traffic incidents claim the lives of approximately 1.3 million people every year, according to the World Health Organization. Unsafe infrastructure, speeding, distracted driving, and non-road worthy vehicles, are some of the leading causes of traffic fatalities worldwide. However, road accidents are predictable and preventable through effective planning, management, and implementation of evidence-based measures.
Over the last decade, advancements in car safety have proven to be a critical development in tackling these risk factors. This intervention, along with other automotive principles, keeps motorists and other road users safe.
Safe Infrastructure Designs
As part of Vision Zero, the safe road design principle helps reduce complexity, regulate speed, and allow for human error. Interestingly, safe roads also guide drivers in taking the right actions to prevent accidents with fellow road users. Secure infrastructure includes median barriers, modern roundabouts, raising pedestrian crossings or islands, and removing slip lanes.
Although some of these designs are more effective compared to others, each plays a vital function in preventing accidents depending on road usage. Modern roundabouts, for instance, eliminate the risks of right and left-angle collisions and slow down automobile speeds. As a result, they cut the kinetic energy transfer in crashes experienced in intersections.
Pedestrian islands, on the other hand, prevent accidents at non-intersections as they allow jaywalkers to cross in two phases. When used correctly, raised crossings offer a safe space for pedestrians to wait for cars to stop before crossing the other half of the road.
Effective Legal System Support
While driver’s education and training sounds ideal for eliminating road crashes caused by human error, traffic authorities suggest they don’t work. For this reason, government officials around the world are implementing strict laws that target drunk driving, speeding, violation of traffic rules, and distracted driving. Deterring drivers from breaking traffic laws has enhanced road safety in the last few years. Additionally, road users are more aware of their rights when it comes to traffic crash incidents.
Individuals involved in collisions are active in seeking accountability for bodily injuries and property damage caused by negligent drivers. By consulting a car accident lawyer, victims of crashes do not only collect fair compensation. They also support efforts of strengthening compliance of road safety rules. Since lawyers address road rage issues during settlement cases, they ensure liable parties receive hefty penalties per state laws.
Reduced Speed Limit
Reducing speed limits in cities is a critical principle of automotive safety. In situations where motorists drive at 30km/h, there are few reports of car incidents. Setting low traffic speed reduces stopping distance and lessens the impact of kinetic energy. This translates to reduced cases of severe injuries and death. Traffic authorities in most cities discourage speeds of above 30 km/h, as it contributes to fatalities, especially for pedestrians and cyclists.
Enhancing road safety to end traffic deaths and injuries is possible now more than ever. By establishing concepts that target all road functions and users, we can rest assured of safe mobility. Also, educating the public about traffic laws, usage of reliable vehicles, and modern roads can improve driving habits.
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